
List of Publications


Research Projects

  • Scientific supervisor for the Parma research unit within the project ““Fotovoltaico ad alta efficienza”, coordinated by IMEM-CNR within the Triennial Plan 2019-2021 of the Electric System National Research programme funded by the Italian Ministry MiSE.
  • Researcher in the CoACh project “Cold management in Agro-food Chains: solutions for process digitalization”, project funded by Regione Emilia Romagna in th frme of the “POR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2014-2020, Asse 1 - Ricerca e innovazione, Azione 1.2.2” programme 2018.
  • Scientific responsible for the Parma research unit within the project “Materiali, dispositivi e processi innovativi per la fabbrica 4.0” funded by the Emilia Romagna Government, in the frame of the POR FSE 2014/2020.
  • Project: “Specialty Fibre Design and High Power Fibre Laser Development” with Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology in the frame of the A*STAR programs, 2014-2015.
  • Coordinator of the Nexpresso project: "Short-pulse high-speed fiber laser cutting of multi-layer polymeric materials" 2012-2013.
  • COST Action 299: "Optical Fibres for New Challenges Facing the Information Society", 2006-2010.
  • Coordinator of the project "Development of new all-fiber lasers, for telecom, sensors and industrial applications", of the Italy-Spain Integrated Actions, 2009-2010.
  • Coordinator of the project "PUlsed fiber laser for MAterial processing - PUMA", of the Scientific and Technological Cooperation Program between Italy and Franch Community of Belgium, 2009-2010.
  • Project TECAL: "Laboratorio TECnologie e impianti per l'industria ALimentare" funded by the Regional Government of Emilia Romagna through the Program PRRIITT - Programma Regionale per la Ricerca Industriale l'Innovazione e il Trasferimento Tecnologico - Misura 3.4A, 2006-2007.
  • Project PREMIA: "Progettazione REti di Telecomunicazione per la Minimizzazione dell’Impatto Ambientale", supported by the Regional Government of Sicily, Italy, 2007
  • COST Action P11: ”Physics of linear, nonlinear and active photonic crystals”, 2003-2007.
  • Bilateral Agreement “Design of passive devices based on microstructured fibers for optical communication systems” between Italy and Pakistan, supported by Foreign Affair Ministry of Italy and Pakistan, 2006-2007.
  • Project InSeBaLa: "Integrazione e servizi per larga banda", in the frame of Piano telematico della Regione Emilia Romagna, iniziativa1.1, 2005-2006.
  • Scientific coordinator of the spin-off proposal ”SENSIFO - Sensori in fibra ottica”, funded by the SPINNER consortium, 2004-2005.
  • Teaching Staff Mobility of the Bilateral Project Socrates/Erasmus between University of Parma and Technical University of Brno, Czech Republic, 2003.
  • Coordinator of the University Research Projects (ex 60%) entitled "Sorgenti ottiche per sistemi Radio over Fiber" (2007), "Amplificazione in banda S tramite fibre ottiche depresse drogate con erbio" (2006), "Amplificazione parametrica in fibre ottiche a cristallo fotonico" (2005), “Studio di fibre a cristallo fotonico per l’amplificazione ottica e compensazione della dispersione” (2004), “Studio della compensazione della dispersione nei sistemi ottici di telecomunicazione tramite fibre a cristallo fotonico” (2003), “Analisi perturbativa delle caratteristiche dispersive di fibre ottiche a cristallo fotonico” (2002).
  • Coordinator of the project “Studio della dispersione di polarizzazione in fibre ottiche a cristallo fotonico e holey fibers tramite il metodo degli elementi finiti”, funded by the Italian Ministry with the "Giovani ricercatori e ricercatori singoli" Program, 2003.
  • European Project ”Large Optical Bandwidth by Amplifier Systems Based on Tellurite Fibers Doped with Rare Earths - LOBSTER”, 2000-2003.
  • Project FAST: "Fluoroaluminate Amplifiers for Second Telecom window", supported by the EU ACTS Program.
  • Coordinator of more the fifteen Technological Transfer Projects funded by the Spinner Consortium in the period 2003-2010. 



Conferences and Events

- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Photonic integration: advanced materials, new technologies and applications, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 25 September - 1 October 2016.

- Chair of the Ventunesima Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo, RiNEm 2016, Parma, 12-14 September 2016.

- Member of the Organizing Committee of the the 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2016, Trento, Italy, 10-14 July 2016.

- Member of the Executive Committee of the Conference Fotonica 2016, Roma, Italy, 6-8 June 2016.
- Chair of the International Workshop Biophotonics 2015, Florence, Italy, 20-22 May, 2015.

- Member of the Executive Committee of the Conference Fotonica 2015, Torino, Italy, 6-8 May 2015.

- Member of the Program Committee of the Mediterranean Photonics Conference, Trani, Italy, 7-9 May 2014.

- Member of the Executive Committee of the Conference Fotonica 2014, Napoli, Italia, 12-14 May 2014.

- Co-Chair of the International Workshop on “Spatio-Temporal Complexity in Optical Fibers”, Como, Italy, 16-18 September 2013.

- Member of the Executive Committee of “Workshop Gruppo Biosensori Ottici e Biofotonica”, Sestri Levante, Italy, 19-20 September 2013.

- Member of the Technical Subcommittee on Optical Sensing and Metrology Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO/Europe) and International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC), Munich, Germany, 2013.
- Member of the International Advisory Committee dell'IEEE International Workshop BioPhotonics 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, 17-19 luglio 2013.
- Member of the Executive Committee of the Conference Fotonica 2013, Milano, Italia, 14-16 May 2013.
- Member of the Executive Committee of the Conference Fotonica 2012, Firenze, Italy, 15-17 May 2012.
- Member of the Executive Committee of “Convegno Nazionale Sensori - Innovazione, attualità e prospettive”, Roma, Italy, 15-17 February 2012.
- Member of the TPC of the workshop on "Laser in Photovoltaics", Bordeaux, France, September, 29-30, 2011.
- Chair of the International Workshop Biophotonics 2011, Parma, Italy, June 8-10, 2011.
- Member of the Optical Sensing and Metrology sub-committee of the "Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe" - CLEO/Europe 2011,  Munich, Germany, May 22-27, 2011.
- Member of the Technical Program Committee of the Subcommittee on “Modelling, Numerical Simulation, and Theory” IPNRA 2009 - Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications, collocated with Nonlinear Optics, and Slow and Fast Light, Topical Meetings organized by the Optical Society of America – OSA, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 12-17, 2009.
- Member of the Optical Sensing and Metrology sub-committee of the "Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe" - CLEO/Europe 2009,  Munich, Germany, May 14-19, 2009.
- Chair of the Winter Topical on “Photonic crystal Fibers: Technology and Applications”, Winter Topicals 2008 – Nonlinear Photonics organized by IEEE-LEOS – Hilton Sorrento Palace, Sorrento, Italy, January 14-16, 2008.
- Member of the Photonics Society (former LEOS)  Italian Chapter Executive Committee from December 2006.
- Chair of the Subcommittee on “Modelling, Numerical Simulation, and Theory” IPNRA 2007 - Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications, colocated with Slow Light, Topical Meetings organized by the Optical Society of America – OSA, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, July 8-11, 2007.
- Member of the International Program Committee of the IASTED International Conference “Antennas, Radar, and Wave Propagation (ARP 2007)”, Montreal, Quebec, Canada - May 30 – June 1, 2007 and Special Session Organizer of the "Radio over Fiber Technologies and Applications" Special Session in ARP 2007.
- Member of the Technical Program Committee of the Subcommittee on “Modelling, Numerical Simulation, and Theory” IPRA 2006 - Integrated Photonics Research and Applications, colocated with Nanophotonics, Topical Meetings organized by the Optical Society of America – OSA, Uncasville, Connecticut, USA, April 24-28, 2006
- Member of the Fiber, waveguides and integrated optics lasers and amplifiers sub-committee of the ”Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe” - CLEO/EUROPE 2005, Munich, Germany, 12-17 June 2005.
- Organizer of the Lecture “New age fiber crystals” by Prof. Philip Russell from University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, LEOS Distinguished Lecturer, at the Information Engineering Department , University of Parma, March 28, 2006.

